Two young adults have passed away following a tragic motor vehicle crash in Louisiana. Now, their surviving loved ones are left to question how their lives could have been snatched so soon. One individual has sadly also suffered injuries in the crash.
Events leading up to the deadly car crash
The recent fatal crash in Louisiana took place on a Saturday at a little before 11 p.m. According to police, a man, 22, was driving a sport utility vehicle along a parkway and suddenly lost control of the motor vehicle. The man then reportedly collided with a tree as well as a house in the area.
The driver of the motor vehicle suffered injuries in the crash and was transported to the hospital. Meanwhile, his 21-year-old front-seat passenger passed away in the collision. A 24-year-old backseat passenger also died from his crash injuries.
Legal recourse available following the accident
If police discover that the driver of the automobile caused the accident due to negligent driving — such as speeding — the family members of the two deceased passengers may opt to file wrongful death claims against him, seeking damages. They must establish liability, based upon a showing of negligence, before a judge in Louisiana will adjudicate their claims for damages. If they are successful, a judge may award monetary damages to cover the passengers’ burial costs and other losses stemming from the collision. No amount of money can undo the events leading to this type of fatal crash, but it may help the victims’ surviving family members to more easily move forward from the ordeal.