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Pregnant woman dies in tragic pedestrian accident

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

A pregnant woman has sadly lost her life after being struck by a motor vehicle. The fatal pedestrian accident took place on a recent Sunday night. Sometimes, these types of accidents occur due to a driver’s negligence, in which case, the at-fault driver may be held liable for any deaths resulting from the incident.

Events leading up to the collision

The recent pedestrian accident occurred at around 8 p.m. According to police, a pregnant 25-year-old woman was walking along a street with another person. All of a sudden, a car that was headed east along the road struck the woman. Police said the car did not strike the individual walking with her, however.

The woman who was struck by the car suffered serious injuries and was thus taken to a medical center. Sadly, she ended up passing away from her injuries. Authorities said the car driver tried to avoid hitting the woman prior to the crash but failed to do so. According to police, drunk driving did not appear to be a causal factor in the wreck.

Potential legal recourse following the tragic incident

As police investigate the fatal pedestrian accident further, they may ultimately determine that the driver caused the accident due to negligent driving — such as speeding. In this situation, the surviving loved ones of the pregnant woman who died in the incident may opt to file a wrongful death claim against the car driver, seeking monetary damages. They must establish liability before a judge will decide the claim for damages. If the woman’s family members are successful, they might receive compensation to cover the woman’s funeral costs and other expenses associated with the unfortunate accident.