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Attorney Gregory DiLeo and staff

Who is responsible for your slip-and-fall accident?

On Behalf of | Mar 24, 2023 | Premises Liability

When you go to a store, enter a place of business or go into a public building, you are likely not considering whether you could be in danger when you do those things. You may be shopping, going to the doctor or doing another simple activity, yet you could be facing the risk of injury if there are unmarked hazards. You could be one of the many people who suffer serious injuries in slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents. These types of accidents frequently result in physical, emotional and financial harm that can have a significant impact on a victim.

Owners are responsible for the condition of their property when clients and customers are on the premises. If a visitor suffers an injury due to an unmarked hazard, the property owner could be liable for subsequent damages. After a slip-and-fall accident, you may find it helpful to learn about your legal options and how you can seek justice after this type of incident.

Factors beyond your control

There are a number of factors that could contribute to the likelihood of a slip-and-fall accident. Wet floors, recently waxed floors, damaged carpet, uneven floor surfaces, inadequate lighting and more can all contribute to an accident. The property owner should address any hazards in a timely manner, or there should be a clear sign marking a potential hazard. After a fall, you could feel embarrassed and unsure of exactly what happened, but you could be a victim of factors beyond your control.

After a slip-and-fall accident, it will be helpful to carefully evaluate what happened to you. If there is evidence that the property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous property conditions, he or she may be liable for the accident. A careful and thorough evaluation of the incident can help you understand who or what is responsible for the factors that ultimately resulted in your injury.

Seeking your rightful recovery

It is important not to underestimate the potentially serious nature of a slip-and-fall accident. Your injuries could have a long-term effect on your life, and you may not be to blame for what happened to you. It could be in your interests to seek an assessment of your potential premises liability claim from an experienced professional who can provide you with insight into your legal options. These cases are time-sensitive, and your quick action will be beneficial for the outcome of your claim.