Five individuals have sadly lost their lives in a tragic two-car accident in Louisiana. A woman has also been injured in the wrong-way collision, which took place on a recent Friday. These types of accidents are often due to driver negligence, which can be grounds for pursuing a claim for monetary damages.
How the crash occurred
According to authorities, the wrong-way accident happened when a 54-year-old man driving a pickup truck struck a sport utility vehicle. The sport utility vehicle was carrying a mother and three of her children, ages 20, 17 and 15. The middle child’s 16-year-old girlfriend was also riding in the vehicle.
The man was the only person occupying in the pickup truck and was pronounced dead at the crash scene. The three children and the girlfriend in the sport utility vehicle also died in the crash. Meanwhile, the mom survived the wreck. However, she suffered serious injuries, including a punctured lung, broken wrists and broken ankles.
Legal recourse is possible after these unfortunate incidents
The surviving loved ones of the four individuals in the sport utility vehicle who died in the crash may opt to file wrongful death claims, seeking reimbursement of monetary damages. Likewise, the surviving woman in the SUV might choose to file a personal injury claim. Although the pickup truck driver who allegedly caused the accident died in the crash, his estate could still be sued. In addition, anybody else with an ownership interest in the truck may be named in a lawsuit. A claim that is successfully fought in a Louisiana civil court can result in a judgment for monetary damages to help cover hospital bills, funeral expenses and other accident-related losses.