In the unfortunate event of a vehicle crash, documenting the scene is important for insurance claims and police investigations. A well-documented set of photographs can aid in assessing damages accurately.
Knowing what kinds of photos to take can make a significant difference in the aftermath.
Overview of the scene
Begin by taking wide-angle shots of the entire accident scene. These photos should encompass the positioning of vehicles, traffic signs and any relevant road markings. This overarching view sets the stage for the detailed images to follow, offering context and perspective to those reviewing the documentation.
Vehicle damage
Zoom in on each vehicle involved, capturing the extent of damages from various angles. Document scratches, dents and any other visible damage. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that car and vehicle crashes cost a total of $340 billion in the United States alone each year.
Ensure the license plates are visible in the photos. These images will serve as evidence when evaluating the severity of the collision and apportioning responsibility.
Intersection and traffic signals
If the accident occurred at an intersection, photograph traffic signals, stop signs or any other regulatory signs nearby. These images help establish the traffic conditions at the time of the accident, providing insight into whether any party involved failed to adhere to road rules.
Skid marks and debris
Photograph any skid marks on the road and debris scattered around the accident site. Skid marks can indicate the point of impact and the direction of travel for each vehicle. These details contribute to reconstructing the sequence of events leading to the collision.
Weather and road conditions
Include photos that depict the weather conditions at the time of the accident. Capture the state of the road, noting any potholes, construction zones or other factors that may have contributed to the collision. Weather and road conditions can influence understanding the circumstances leading to the crash.
The time after an accident may leave you feeling panicked at first. However, capturing these types of photographs at the scene of a vehicle accident can contribute to a thorough and accurate documentation process.