Defend Your Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Rights
Complex regional pain syndrome, also called RSD or CRPS, is often viewed as an elusive disease. In many cases, the cause is traced to a surgical procedure that was designed to correct an injury from an accident, and individuals do not know they have RSD or CRPS because it seems to be unrelated to the trauma directly received in an accident. When medical professionals have harmed you in this way, you can hold them accountable for your recovery.
At the Law Offices of Gregory P. DiLeo, APLC, our Louisiana lawyers are prepared to investigate your symptoms and give you access to medical professionals who fully understand this complex disease. We understand how confusing and frustrating this must be for you, and we are determined to give you access to the best results possible, regardless of how complicated your situation may seem.
Experienced Legal Representation For Victims Of CRPS
“I know that RSD/CRPS is not only one of the most incapacitating conditions that can result from an accident, but it is also one of the most misunderstood – both by the legal profession and even by medical providers who do not specialize in the treatment of CRPS. I have litigated CRPS cases and having done so, I don’t know how any attorney could possibly understand what you are going through unless he has a clear understanding of this horrible disease.” – Attorney Gregory P. DiLeo
Due to being notoriously difficult to diagnose, its multiple stages and varied symptoms, all of which can wax and wane, victims of CRPS are often labeled as malingerers and fakers, or simply crazy, purely out of ignorance or misdiagnosis. It is essential that you retain an experienced attorney who will listen carefully to your concerns and goals and help you obtain the compensation you deserve. We are dedicated to holding those responsible for your crippling injury accountable and earning the maximum compensation for your damages.
Our Experience Can Be Your Greatest Advantage
“I consider it my job to educate my opponent and the insurer, and if the case does not settle, the court and the jury, through experts in the field, so that this often-overlooked condition does not go uncompensated.” – Attorney Gregory P. DiLeo
We are eager to earn the privilege of representing you when you need us most. To speak with our New Orleans lawyer, email us or call 866-522-3456 to schedule your initial consultation. The sooner we can get to work for you, the better the outcome of your case can be.